VLSI Design

About the track


The Basic VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) Design course is EAMTA’s most traditional track. It is also known as the “Introduction Track” and is the initiation course for all students who pass through the School.

Track goal

To provide the student with the knowledge of the physical fundamentals of MOS device operation, as well as the fundamental principles of the CMOS microfabrication process. Also, provide the students the ability to design basic analog and digital circuits, as well as the use of CAD tools.

Hands-on project: 4-bit counter

The objective of the project is that the student learns the physical fundamentals of the operation of MOS devices, as well as the fundamental principles of CMOS integrated circuits fabrication. It also allows the student to acquire the ability to design basic analog and digital circuits, as well as the use of CAD tools.

  • The objective of this activity is to propose a moderated design problem to test the use of VLSI circuit design tools. 

  • The student will have to verify the logic and electrical circuit that is presented, and once this stage is passed, proceed to design the physical design of the circuit.


Dr. Ing. Pedro Julián (UNS, CONICET)

Dr. Pedro Julián (UNS, Bahía Blanca) holds a PhD in Systems Control from Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, 1999. He is currently Principal Investigator of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), Visiting Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Whiting School of Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University, Associate Professor with exclusive dedication at the National University of the South and Director of Micro and Nano Electronics Laboratory at the Universidad Nacional del Sur.

Dr. Ing. José Lipovetzky (IB, CNEA, CONICET)

Jose Lipovetzky received his degree in Electronic Engineering and PhD in Engineering at the University of Buenos Aires in 2005 and 2010. Between 2010 and 2013 He worked as a Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, since 2012 as researcher at CONICET and since 2014 works at the Centro Atómico Bariloche, CNEA. Since 2015 is Professor at the Balseiro Institute. His topics of interest are ionizing radiation effects on CMOS circuits, radiation detection using different integrated devices and CMOS image sensors.

Dr. Ing. Nicolás Calarco (UNComa, CONICET)

Dr. Nicolás Calarco (FI-UNComa) has a degree in Electronic Engineer from the Engineer Faculty of the the Universidad Nacional del Comahue (2013), and PhD from Universidad de Buenos Aires (2020). He is a lecturer in the Digital Technics area in the electronic engineering career at FI-UNComa. He integrantes the Laboratory of Optics Engineering of University of Comahue developing mixed-signal photodetection integrated circuits

Ing. Agustín Galetto (Fundación Fulgor)

Agustin Galetto was born in Córdoba, Argentina, in 1992. He received an Electronic Engineering degree from the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Facultad Regional Córdoba (UTN FRC), in june 2017. Since August 2018 is pursuing a Ph.D. degree with the Microelectronics and Mixed-Signal Design Group, Fundación Fulgor. His Ph.D. research focuses on high-speed digital communication transmitters. Since March 2016, he has been carrying out research and development activities with the Microelectronics and Mixed-Signal Design Group, Fundación Fulgor. His research interests include mixed signal circuits, such as DAC and its calibration and compensation systems, embedded systems applications, and new integration technologies applied to electronics and telecommunications.



Preparation content

Course participants should start to introduce themselves by watching these videos. At least half must be seen to be able to tackle the first week of the course.

